Our R&D

Independent Innovation, Global Wisdom, and Core Technology Leadership

The transformation of industry and the advancement of society has always been driven by new technology development. Similarly, the growth of Geely has always been through making the latest technologies available to people from all walks of life. Going from a technology follower to a technology leader, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group has adopted a R&D framework based around independent innovation, global wisdom, and leadership in core technologies.



As China’s largest privately-owned automotive group, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group places independent innovation and intellectual property at the heart of its business strategy. With the support and encouragement of the Group, innovative companies under Geely, such as Geely Auto, Volvo, Terrafugia, E-Car X, etc. register thousands of patents around the world each year. The result of which can be seen with just one of the group’s core subsidiaries, Geely Auto holding over 14,000 patents alone.

Core Technology


Geely believes that without knowledge of core technologies, no company can become a leader in their industry. Through intense self-study and knowledge sharing, Geely has mastered the technologies within the automotive industry including powertrain, vehicle architecture, new energy, manufacturing, etc. As a result, Geely has been recognized as a leader in the industry with their technologies winning accolades globally.



Through enhancing internal synergies, the Group has improved the innovative capabilities of all of its brands and has led the development of modular architecture-based, universal, standardized tech with the aim of achieving high-degree of parts commonality and cost optimisation. Geely believes that knowledge is not concentrated in anyone one country, different talents and wisdom are abound all over the global. To make the best use of global wisdom, Geely has developed a R&D network that spans the globe. Through its subsidiaries, the Group has 8 R&D centres around the world focused on the development of core automotive technologies and future mobility.

Our Research