Employees and Communities

We aim to create all possible conditions for the healthy growth of talent, ensuring that dedicated workers in all positions have hope and prospects. We want our talent to focus on continuous practice and exploration in their professional fields, genuinely improving their skills and expertise. By creating real value across the entire value chain, we bring tangible benefits to our users, fostering a sense of achievement. This approach fundamentally drives the enhancement of the global competitiveness of China’s automotive industry.

Talent Management and Development

Adhering to the talent strategy concept of “respecting people, empowering people, and making people happy,” we provide a learning platform that promotes the diverse development of employees. In addition, we integrate business development with talent advancement, creating career growth opportunities for employees worldwide and continuously empowering each other.


Protecting employees' rights and benefits

Complying with the local labor laws and regulations in all regions where we operate globally, we build our employee teams through fair and transparent multi-channel recruitment processes, signing formal labor contracts with our employees to legally safeguard their fundamental rights and interests. We are committed to promoting the protection of employee rights among our partners and suppliers, and have formulated relevant policies and preventive measures. During the reporting period, we achieved a 100% labor contract signing rate, a 100% social insurance coverage rate, and a 100% employee participation rate in the labor union.* No significant risks of child labor or forced labor events were identified at any operation locations or in suppliers. There have been no instances of employee discrimination, child labor usage, forced labor, or infringement of indigenous rights. Additionally, we continue to attract an increasing number of individuals from different countries and regions to join our workforce.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Upholding a people-centered philosophy, we provide equal employment opportunities and form a diverse workplace that respects different opinions, viewpoints, and beliefs. We value diversity and prohibit any discrimination regarding ethnicity, race, gender, region, religious beliefs, employment forms, and other factors. In addition, our whistleblowing mechanism offer channels for reporting discrimination or harassment incidents. Meanwhile, we strictly protect the privacy of whistleblowers. Upon verification, the wrongdoers shall be punished.

Attracting and retaining talents

We have developed a comprehensive compensation strategy to offer our employees more competitive remuneration on the basis of ensuring employee renumeration and benefits reaching statutory minimum in China. We have established three-pronged development pathways focusing on professional, technical, and managerial sequences. We have formulated evaluation policies such as the Geely Holding Employment Qualification Evaluation Management Measures and the Geely Holding Star Employee Evaluation Management Measures, clarifying the dimensions, frequency, and targets for qualification assessments. We regularly conduct comprehensive evaluations of employees’ capabilities and performance. To broaden employees’ understanding of various professional fields in the industry, we have introduced an internal rotation program called the “Vitality Plan”. This program offers employees excellent opportunities for cross-functional and cross-domain rotations, thereby expanding their career development paths

Empowering career development

We continue to implement our “Talent Forest” training strategy, internally nurturing emerging talents and externally attracting experienced professionals, thereby empowering the vision of “a world embraced by Geely”.

Listening to Employees

We fully respect employees’ democratic rights. We have established trade unions and regularly hold union representative meetings and employee forums, providing diverse channels for democratic communication. We are committed to ensuring that employees’ voices are heard and their concerns are addressed.

Caring for health and life

Geely Holding and our subordinate business units earnestly fulfill our main responsibilities for occupational health and safety by providing education, training, equipment, facilities, and resources to ensure that employees and partners comply with requirements of relevant policy regulations and procedures. At the same time, we have established a comprehensive care and welfare system, focusing on improving the work-life balance for employees, enhancing their sense of happiness and belonging.

Let the World Feel Love

Only by adhering to “long-termism” and integrating our strengths with those assistance targets can charity exert lasting influence. Over the past decade, we have continuously used our industrial chain and technological advantages to promote the transformation and upgrading of charity cause, explored sustainable charity models, and cared for vulnerable groups in society. We are committed to making charity benefit more people.


“Tech for Good” is an indispensable responsibility for innovative tech companies in our times. We empower charity innovation through technology, focusing on eco-friendly development, and striving to create a cleaner, brighter future.

Equitable and quality education

We are committed to promoting equity in education, initiating targeted charity activities in basic compulsory education and vocational education, etc., forming a charity model of “industry-education integration”.

Rural vitalization

We are dedicated to targeted and sustainable public welfare activities, exploring public welfare assistance along the upstream and downstream industry chain to help vitalize rural areas.

Disaster relief

We are committed to providing timely and effective assistance to disaster-stricken areas and their populations.

1. On December 20, in partnership with the Li Shufu Foundation, we donated RMB 10 million to the Red Cross Society of Gansu and Red Cross Society of Qinghai to purchase emergency relief supplies and support post-disaster reconstruction efforts in the earthquake-stricken areas of Gansu and Qinghai.

2. Geely Holding, in collaboration with our brands and the Li Shufu Foundation, donated RMB 50 million to the Peking University Education Foundation. This donation is intended to support the post-disaster reconstruction of Peking University’s Changping Campus and to provide assistance to PKU students affected in the disaster area to tide over the difficulties.

Help the disadvantaged

We keep expanding our focus in public welfare, paying attention to the needs of vulnerable groups. By leveraging our own industrial resources, we integrate commercial thinking into the design of public welfare projects, striving to achieve a harmonious coexistence between business and society.
